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Top 5 Reasons to Uniform Shop in May

Top 5 Reasons to Uniform Shop in May

School Uniform Shopping in May

We're nearing the end of the school year. Your kids are getting restless for summer days and family talk is focused around plans for scout camp or camp or to go swimming. Yet emails keep coming from school uniform stores encouraging you to shop for uniforms...in May!

"Yeah, be real", you think as you hit "Delete." 

Not so fast, Mom! Take it from one who's been on both sides, the mom side and the retailer side. There are five great reasons to shop now for next year's school uniforms.

1. Plenty of stock. Uniform stores order their inventory in December. That inventory arrives in early April. That means your favorite uniform store is fully stocked in May to be ready for summer shoppers. All sizes are on hand in late spring, especially slim and plus sizes.

2. Deals are plentiful. Spring is the slow season for uniform stores. And most families, probably like yours, are trying to get through the last 2-3 weeks of school on their current uniform wardrobe. "Oh, honey, your pants have a stain? That's OK. Just wear 'em one more week!).

Perfect time for stores to offer great deals! To encourage sales in the slow spring months, most uniform stores offer discounts. Our store offers a whopping 20% off in April, then 15% off in May and finally 10% off in June. Sensible way to spend some of that income tax refund, too.

3. Layaway options. Most of us think of layaway as something Mom did when shopping for our Christmas bicycle. A little down payment in the fall, the balance when she went to pick up right before the holidays. With the popularity of credit cards, most layaway has become a thing of the past. Not so with school uniforms. Most uniform retailers are happy to offer 60 to 90 day layaways for their customers. One-third down on your purchase during the sale in May, the balance when you pick up in July. It assures the retailer that you'll buy with their particular store and gives you a chance to budget. Win-win.

Take advantage of sales before July.

4. Sizes can be exchanged. "But what if he grows a whole size in the summer?" It's a comment we hear from a few moms who are a little hesitant to buy uniforms during our spring promotions. That challenge is easily solved. Just keep the receipt and leave the tags on the garments. Most stores, like ours, will accept a fully tagged item to be exchanged for another size, provided the item isn't personalized with monogramming. As always, it's best not to wait until the day before school starts to do any size exchanging. 

5. Best of all...no crowds! The day after July 4th. That's the day that school uniform shopping explodes. Back-to-school signage is everywhere and stores become crowded. As the summer days slip by, more customers are shopping for the bulk of their school wardrobe. Does the thought of all that togetherness make you a little stressed? Problem solved...shop in May or June!

Ready to shop? We're offering a great 15% off this month. To get this discount on every single item, use cide UFAN15OFF right here on our site at www.uniformitylafayette.com.

The Short and Sussy of Schoolwear, our school uniform blog at Uniformity Lafayette, is written for moms of school age children. It's short and to-the-point for busy moms. It's sussy (school uniform savvy shopping) and a "sussy" just happens to be a popular South Louisiana word for a "sweet little gift", which is what we are to our customers and readers!  



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